Can spirituality help in recovery from substance use?
Spirituality can indeed play a significant role in recovery from substance use disorders. Here’s how:
Holistic Approach: Integrating science and spirituality can lead to well-being, centeredness, and calm. While science provides advanced treatments, spirituality addresses the emotional and psychological aspects of addiction1.
Spiritual Thirst: Viennese psychologist Dr. Carl Gustav Jung once described the craving for alcohol as a “spiritual thirst for wholeness.” Recognizing this spiritual dimension can aid recovery1.
Twelve-Step Programs: Participants in Twelve-Step programs often report spiritual awakenings. Spirituality facilitates reduced stress, social support, and collaborative coping, enhancing abstinence rates2.
Higher Power: Acknowledging a higher power can restore balance for those feeling powerless due to addiction. Incorporating spirituality helps individuals find meaning and purpose in recovery3.
A person can experience spirituality in many ways. For me, to run or hike in a park alllows me to experience being one with the universe. This allows me to clear my mind and cleanse my soul. I am whole.